Monday, December 18, 2017

Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets 2017

What a refresher! Luc Besson directs a film that feels like his own personal answer to the Disney-fication of Star Wars. His classic Fifth Element was a tribute to the original trilogy and the SW prequels were inspired by Besson and it seems Besson repays Lucas with what feel like a 2017 Lucas film. Its a simple kiddie plot, but its helped by not straining for dramatics or false complexity. We get a cute romantic buddy action film set in an alien future with a great message of ecology and equality. Can't knock the only film this year with a graphic non-imperialist message.

The film is gorgeously designed, shot and directed like a Technicolor cartoon. Its a wonder that this film was independently financed as it resembles the best Hollywood had to offer. Obviously the scope isn't quite as grand and it doesn't have the cast of millions or wall-to-wall explosions, thus focusing on undervalued artistic tools like costume, staging, lighting, etc. The cast are not as established but they appear inspired and in the groove. Surreal cameos from Rihanna, Ethan Hawke and Herbie Hancock are badges of honor that this film was done out of love and not out of profit.

American media were embarrassing in their dismissal and celebration of Valerian's domestic failure. Thats where we're at. Folks are such brainwashed corporate consumerists that they root against potentially entertaining experiences so their team wins. Bizarre. And yes, Valerian is better than The Last Jedi.

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