Friday, December 8, 2017

Protect Independent Movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its so unfair to hold the budget (size, story scope, professionalism, lack of popularity or defense) to effect your judgment of a film. And given that the top tier of Hollywood films are now the most expensive ever, its absurd to accept films that are anything except superior. The films lower on the pyramid have more to offer because they are still tethered to reality. The films made by Hollywood or the shows shown on network TV and the music played on major radio are made to pet the ego of the 1% who fund them, to make them feel special and ordained and that their secret club is meant to rule and do an amazing job at it. Thats why artists who are on the side of the poor aren't given a spotlight. Artists People who face this exclusion need to be louder and anti-censorship more than ever. And cinema is the becoming the most democratic technology thanks to camera advances and internet freedom. Thats why I need you to protect Net Neutrality from this anti-democracy government regime.

1. Go to
2. Click on the 17-108 link (Restoring Internet Freedom)
2. Click on “+ express”
3. Be sure to hit “ENTER” (or tab) after you put in your name & info so it registers. (I used my SPAM email)
4. In the comment section write, “I strongly support net neutrality backed by Title 2 oversight of ISPs.”
5. Click “Continue to Review”
6. Review and then Click submit
- Make sure you hit submit at the end!
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