In "Pervert's", Zizek uses many examples of popular & obscure cinema to explain the phenomenon of how our shared ideological values confine us from making connections and exposing the power struggles played out within and outside of them. His summary of The Dark Knight as a very pandering, manipulative and extremely conservative work is especially scolding in its accuracy. As a thinker and theorist, Zizek is so inarguable and well-read in the realms of philosophy, politics, psychoanalysis and movies. The guy would've made an excellent filmmaker.
With the less film-centered "Virtual", Slavoj focuses on perception again on the basis of the real, the imaginary and the symbolic. For a foreign tongue with a lisp, he breaks down some very complex concepts very well, although I could use a second viewing. His insights are totally applicable to the film-watching experience and big cinephiles will take away a lot.
Highly recommended!
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