The future of Star Wars is the same as the future of Disney. They will make a mega popular Disney princess icon out of Rey while we get a safe, lovable, sexy Ken doll out of Poe, Finn & Kylo. It will serve a major slot in history culturally but won't have the lasting positive futurism of George Lucas' vision and personal intention. Because its commercialized and child-proofed like the Star Wars films that had too much conglomerate interests and TAMPERING from outside studios. Lucas wanted an independent theatre group, like Jim Henson's and other special effects companies. And he made an impressive American dream company out of his artistic vision. And he let other artists express themselves through it. He learned that from Francis Ford Coppola; who supported plenty of filmmakers without signing their souls away to constrictive deals. By extension and osmosis, Lucas comes from the same cloth as Roger Corman and all other independent artists in the film industry. Independent cinema has influenced almost everything. It must continue for us to innovate ideas, worldviews, politics, art and entertainment. But it mustn't become propaganda for conglomerate pirates. Things are too connected to business and hucksterism within Hollywood movies. And through them independent films became too cut-throat and heavy on exploitation.
Movies seem like a dying art in today's climate. But the climate always changes. It hasn't soared in years but there are things in place making filmmaking a soul-sucking job. And cinema influences our lives so much. TOO MUCH. How the brain is wired, humans are hypnotised and magnetised to blinding light. Its in our reptilian brain. So films stimulate and simulate our dreams. But that can be a negative experience when the magic of an artform or technology becomes stifled & homogenized. If government must get involved in cinema to preserve it, so be it if they economically support the most lucrative and positively influential independent voice.
Trump's administration is the most cold-hearted, corrupted, dishonest and self-destructive thing I've ever seen. Its frightening and I'm scared for the first time in ages about D.C.'s effect on the rest of the world. But I think the older American states plotted together to get him elected. Senators and private interests on lower radar's then the "big conglom-o".
But if Donald Trump can put money back into independent film by making it a subsidized industry and not a Hollywood monopoly, I will be grateful for this disastrous and poor showing as a president. He's gotten his hand caught in every cookie jar but he hasn't been a detective or avenging hero of the common man & woman. He has no real connection to his kids so I imagine childhood will be numb and vacuously commercialized. Trump's just not a good influence on anything. But there is a tiny bit of good in him. Everyone has God in them, I say. So maybe he can do this one favor for the history of mankind and start socialism in the 21st century. I only have faith in this possibly happening because Trump originally wanted to be a movie director as a child, before a traumatic indoctrination into the world of old-school "card shark" business via NYC. He's a dulled, brutalized, machismo-built, poorly bred, off the cuff, brutally honest meathead jock who wants you to like him but he's also spineless, backstabbing and a proficient spinner of lies. He's a bullshit artist. He's a reflection of proper society's archetypal king complex. The apex predator wet dream of capitalist market merchants. The egomaniac & money. And the sickest person with that disease is modern white men. The 20th century and all of human history has resulted in a pyramid scheme for the most vicious animal behavior humankind can muster. Its so sad, monstrous, haunting, demoralizing.
Our culture is too violent. Are films too violent? Does cinema produce this sick violent expression in humans? Has humanity always been as brutal as the rest of the jungle? If anything film has fought to neuter the viewers with its anti-violence messages. But there's always been a balance of pro-violence propaganda, inspired by gladiator-obsessed war instincts in weak willed, ego-driven men who cling to childhood and the status quo. The "patriarchy" can't let go. That hurts movies! It makes the films unwatchable to about 9/10ths of the world's population and limits the amount of storytelling, perspectives, dialogue, language, evolution, know-how and knowledge.
Film (all of entertainment and human interaction, really) is very vanilla right now. Too conservative, frightful, uninterested, repressed and uncommunicative of the world. Film should be about the world. Not just American mainstream white male interests. Its a one-trick circus and its tanking in popularity. Because Disney and Warner Bros have the most market share of the distribution & marketing in film. Its too much power given to a symbiotic rivalry out to profit on regular customers. You can't abuse the audience's money. Film should be free, produced by government money or private money (independent). Its started more as a technological exercise, a kind of prototype for the modern computer, but only the visual making aspects. Thats why CGI adapts so well to established filmmaking techniques and technologies. But the Hollywood studios aren't groups of independent producers anymore. They are a unionized, privatized, tax-paying arm of conglomerate telecommunications & news "infotainment" media. Its so divorced from honest documentary. Its all basically cinema now. You can't give all the means to these private banks essentially. You have to stimulate government funds with return from investments. They could make more money for the entire world by taxing Hollywood more than the little filmmaker in Arkansas, Africa who borrows a few thousand to shoot a film they thought people might want to see. If you want to make money, filmmaking shouldn't be the interest you pick up. Its not a job, its a calling.
Make movies because you love movies and the making of movies. Not because its an easy way to get rich. I 100% trust Donald Trump because he could've easily become a filmmaker later, but didn't. So that shows he 's this soul crushed guy who really is withered to nothing emotionally. Or is that a projection. The world is projecting so much on this president and we don't know what is him and what is our idea of him. Because he's such a shocking character to some, he is popular and protected and his downfall is ignored. But to the rest of us he's a trainwreck waiting to happen if he doesn't change, ask for help and own up to whatever he's guilty of. Having a liar for a president is toxic for America. And it will be very hard for Hollywood to show this side of nature. They steer away from mature, R-rated, adult content. And TV gives a pale imitation of reality.
Independent filmmakers like all artists are the biggest hope of inspiration, motivation and innovation out of our problems socially, ethically, emotionally, intellectually, etc. So I think if Trump can make a profit from entrepreneurs OTHER THAN HIMSELF, he would become a popular president globally and historically. But can he do it before his time is up? You have to hope he will be remembered for something good. If its all darkness, we have to get him out of power. He's gonna serve time if they find anything, if he tries to overturn it secretly he will become more hated than Richard Nixon, so he's left to confess and hand over all of his power to other people just to save his own life. I almost feel sorry for him, but with these last moments to months of his reign before getting Caesar'd, he can do something to become a tragic anti-hero and not just a complex hilarious villain who gets punished.
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