That last post turned into a long-coming political rant. This net neutrality decision shows the Trump administration is on the side of Hollywood and not independent film, so I am thoroughly disgusted.
But Disney's handling of Star Wars details how gloomy the future of mainstream film is. They took the most successful truly independent film company, LucasArts are turned it everything evil about cinema. They quickly killed Han, Leia and Luke (because old people are not cosmetic enough) to replace them with dumb Millennial aged puppet characters who add nothing but superficial social progressivism to grab a broader base of tickets. Its such shallow, cynical and morally bankrupt garbage for human toddlers.
I'm disappointed in George Lucas for selling Star Wars to them, knowing the positive influence it once had and how much Disney would liquidate, neuter and corrupt it. But maybe they gave him no other option. They could've waited til he died to buy it from his estate, but Lucas decided to enjoy and use the fortune while he still can. I can't hate him for selling out but it ruins the whole sentiment behind Star Wars a bit when they are owned by Hollywood's "evil empire".
I expect Luke becomes the new Emperor but Rey and Kylo overthrow him because Kylo turns Rey against him. Uh-oh! Kylo becomes the new ruler or whatever with Rey by his side... until the 3rd movie where she comes to her senses thanks to her old buddies... Is that an inspiring Disney princess feel good message for kids? Sure. But its just rewriting the old movies and not actually telling a new story. Gender-swapping. Race-swapping. Extra happy endings. Its glorified fan fiction. And I wouldn't be surprised if Disney cops out now that Hillary Clinton isn't president. They love to go conservative when their fanbase leads them to it. Because its about dollars to them.
Fuck, I don't care. Disney has bought and sold tons of cool properties before and I doubt Star Wars will stick once Disney has milked the cow dry, like they always have. They always over-do things and kill the golden goose. I just pray Star Wars doesn't get too shitty beyond repair. Ironically this is the nightmare that movie fans claimed the Prequel/Expanded universe was. Fools.
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