Friday, November 17, 2017

random thoughts

Why do general audiences like bland, generically directed superhero films but not the radical, resourceful, faithful work of Zack Snyder? Would they enjoy Tim Burton in a post-Nolan, post-Whedon superhero genre? The Avengers solo movies are endless remakes of Richard Donner's Superman, so audiences still like light quirky action fantasy heroes. But they don't want to go beyond a nostalgic, campy peek at geek culture. They want to look at the cover and imagine what's in the comic book than actually read it or respect +50 years of history. Audiences aren't ready for true comics-inspired superhero films. I wish the genre would go underground again so at least the comic books would get better.

When will broad comedy return? Generic audiences get their fill of fantastic absurdity and postmodern jokes from all of the campy self-aware grindhouse-meets-tentpole films rolled out each year. And the real connoisseurs of surreal humor have Adult Swim and its clones. But its been a long time since a truly "wacky, zany, screwball" styled film popped up in the mainstream. I don't think many working filmmakers care about slapstick or vaudeville or the era's they were in. And the younger audience don't even what what that stuff is besides maybe a heavily edited Three Stooges episode their dad showed them. Jerry Lewis died this year and no one under the age of 50 cared much online. That was shocking and sad. Not that I expected much else, but that the gap is that open and so many people have already missed out on live action horseplay and intricate gags. Our entertainment is so much more muted & reality-based. It comes back in forms like Seinfeld and Monty Python, but I would love to see it dominate the culture a bit. I think the 1980s had a comeback thanks to the SNL breakout stars. But today's SNL isn't that bizarre or wild.

I'm not optimistic about there being lots of to enjoy next year, but I think the best of the best will shatter expectations. We have so much access to cinema that there is no excuse for the true film lovers to be the most educated fans ever. Some great stuff will come out of this but the rate may continue to slow if Hollywood doesn't lose its grip on the medium. Independent artists need entry and means to entertain audiences. This can only save the major studios from self-destructive monopoly. But who will work with independents? Who will stop corrupting the distribution and marketing systems? Who will put the audience first again? Maybe streaming will elevate cinema in ways video, grindhouse, TV, etc. avenues couldn't. I root for them.

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