Saturday, November 25, 2017

Since my reviews reflect whatever I'm focused on at the time, I should post that I'm lately watching cinema looking for post-modernism, radical Leftist ideals, anti-fascist propaganda and conscious or unconscious occult influences.

Right now I'm obsessed with Nietzsche's idea of Master & Slave and The Ubermensch, how that leads to Ayn Rand's more populist ideas about Free Market Capitalism & a Libertarian Utopia. Basically he rightly divides society into those who feel meant to rule and those who feel meant to serve and the dichotomy that leads to high level sadomasochism aka war & peace through slave labor. Nietzsche favored the 1% wolves who feast on the oblivious sheep they control and breed at large. While Rand agrees on this power dynamic, her invented morality of Objectivism tries to marry capitalism with the Golden Rule of "do unto others". She gives it a valiant try but ultimately leads to a utopia that has been proven impossible by Wall Street, the banks, Enron, you name em. She loved her masters too much, but hey she grew up rich under Lenin.

But this divide applies to not only politics & morals but religion. Essentially we are seeing more & more of the Luciferian image of the anti-hero grow in popularity. Mad Max, Kylo Ren, Death Wish reboot, Donald Trump, Satan himself is becoming a popular character in shows. After 8 years of Obama, white rightwing audiences (who America keeps as their prime "demographic") want a rejection of Jesus Christ, role models, martyrs, altruists, heroes & saviors. They want the Tragic Fool, the trickster, the crybaby, the greedy, the jealous, the amoral and the vengeful. By the bipolar, bipartisan, binary thinking nature of our sick version of "modernism", this is the only option for people who don't know they are slaves. See the Left know they are slaves so they resent their masters and want to kill them or see them fall. The "good" slaves on the Right will sacrifice themselves to protect their masters, like good coons, bucks and mammies. Its trippy how this all ties into the negative brainwashing done to blacks in the early years of cinema. Its come back to haunt the white blue collar audience.

I think the Rightwing is finding how hollow their religious fanaticism is, their soldier worship, their love of violence & sex. Its traumatic to look in the mirror. This is all reptilian brain shit that everyone grows through in adolescence but this immense populace of the 1st world is stuck on the emotional level of children. Guaranteed that cinema & entertainment will follow this. Just like in George W Bush's terms.

This over saturation of gritty dark heroism was a kind of wish fulfillment from the Left about Obama, their desperate need to take this friendly average guy and make him their avenging perfect black knight. In a way, they led to this current Satan complex in the zeitgeist. Is society's mission to create an AntiChrist to affirm 1000s of years of paranoid nightmares? This is essentially confirmed by the most popular religion in our country. We are a bunch of ticking psychopaths trying to destroy our world and create a Rapture. The best films in recent memories keep exploring this. We must transcend this deep, black phobia of success, love, happiness. Why do we hate happy endings? Why do we think failure is reality? Did the fiction poison our fantasies or were they rotten to begin with?

We need an overhaul in enlightenment and evolution, intellectually and spiritually. Fuck the stupid aesthetics of lighting and CGI. That is Hollywood carny trickery. 21st century cinema must be a tool to fight the collective oppression of self and the selfish oppression of the collective. Balance pre-conceived notions of Good & Evil. We need new heroes and truer villains. We need light & dark. Both Marvel & DC, WB & Disney. Indie & mainstream. American & foreign. Male & female, all races. The worst of us will follow the path to conservatism, laziness and reject any change or growth. If you are a filmmaker, resist this Luciferianism. It is still Satanism, no matter what they sell you.

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