Thursday, January 11, 2018

We don't need new movies. Don't we have enough? They only exist to support the economy and serve no other function. Its ultimately commercial fiction to distract from the horror of reality and produce more fantasy and apathy. Well, thats what its been for 99% of cinema's history. Cheap propaganda for the banking system. Consumption is the number one message in all of filmmaking. And by simply watching we agree to its ideology. Are we just meaningless creatures who fuck and fart while waiting to die and cinema and art are just a futile striving for art but ultimately shallow means of "comfort"? What else can they be?

Cinema is the search for knowledge from the technology. Its application of human spirit in the maybe pointless but still romantic idea of bettering its Self. Someone might love 10000s of films. Having seen just as many, I love maybe a handful. Not because I'm an elitist asshole. Its because thats how little of life actually counts. Is it worth it to slog through empty years and a million bad films just to have a few profound moments of spectator-ship? I think it is, if its shared with someone else. The only reason you don't kill yourself slowly every second (which most people do) is because you look forward to something. Movies can fill that void if you don't have love or faith or some principle cause. And in many ways, those things are lies and movies lie too, but you always know a movie is a lie. Except children.

 I think all art is a reflection of life's horror and maybe the natural, unnatural and false beauty opposed to it. But horror movies are rarely about real horror. If cinema is about lies, horror cinema is typically about the obscuring of real horror. Vampires, Leatherface, Get Out. These are about the brutal system of evil that is murdering you as we speak. But its coded in some fantastical context where its sanitized, made more insane and maybe even so tragic that its laughable.

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