Friday, January 26, 2018

George Lucas' Jedi story is the story of Buddhist/Shinto samurai and their moral decline into Ronins and Shoguns. The inept Disney reboots see Jedi's as Superheroes and all references to religion are erased and replaced with good ol' white male atheist Satanism. This is Hollywood white washing/reprogramming/racial purifying in its newest form. Totally ignorant historically and elementary morally and lacking any nuance beyond anarchistic spectacle and flippant brain-farting. It becomes masturbation of commerce and nothing else. This is what Hollywood always wanted Star Wars to be and it sadly became that with Return of the Jedi, but at least that was a decent popcorn film based on populist beliefs. This new shit is just insulting.

There is no spiritual growth in the new characters. Mild emotional flings and nothing else. There is no wisdom spoken. No grand gestures that evoke powerful statements. They lost the action theater that Kurosawa passed along to Lucas from Asian Opera. We deserve a real Star Wars film, not shitty military commercials for white teens. You're an idiot if you think Star Wars is simply an American war movie. Its much bigger and better. Thats why Lucas didn't want to make the typical 1950s war rom-com that he rejected with Spielberg's 1941 and Coppola's The Godfather. They all attacked the dried up sentimentalist war porn and provided an anti-war fantasy for children to become good hippie communists and make art and live in nature. Disney wants to pack suburbia with air-conditioned camps of consumers and give them no hope of escaping except in expensive episodic dreams of space. The new exploitation of Star Wars is toxic and anti-American.

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