Blade Runner: About people who don't know if they are real or created (asking if life is predestined or if free will exists)
Blade Runner 2049: About a guy who already knows he's created finding out he's programmed. Boring.
BR works because Deckard doesn't know he's a replicant. K knowing already kills any reaction when he finds out he's protecting some twin sister or any sympathy when he finds he's not the chosen savior. This was crappy NeoLiberal white "feminist" propaganda garbage like The Last Jedi, Wonder Woman and Ghost in the Shell to make Hillary look flawless and heavensent. 2049 is another sequel that shouldn't have been made and doesn't even have a reason to exist.
If there was ever a Blade Runner 2 it was clearly set up to be Deckard and Rachel leading a revolution. Who cares about old ass Deckard and some made up daughter in the desert fighting Jared Leto?
Safe to say Facebook is a zionist neoliberal "classic republican" website but this was on a page for cyberpunk, a genre committed to criticizing the abuses of capitalism in an advanced society. But like these assholes don't comprehend liberalism they think its just a fanboy manchild genre where we can worship toys and video games and plot to fuck robot prostitutes. There's so much apathy insincerity and mental laziness in America and the UK and it starts with neoliberalism, the more deceptive and demoralizing side of conservatism.
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