Ok, so some Russian hackers are indicted for attacking the Clinton campaign and a white supremacist teen shot up a school in Florida. Through the lens of filmmaking, I want to dissect these events and , maybe more importantly, the public's reaction to them. Also, I can work in the recent movie news about Black Panther being an unsurprising success. There is an intersectionality between these 3 things and its mired in chaotic, dishonest mainstream media politics.
I skimmed through some bad Hollywood films I planned to review, but couldn't bring myself to watch fully: Queen of the Damned, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Scott Pilgrim, Mr and Mrs Smith (which I watched & reviewed). I'm sickened by the false liberalism in these films. I'm deadened by giving time to their gross capitalist aberrations of reality to create a commercial dreamscape of comforting lies and smokescreen truth. This irresponsible mutation from public art to mass distributed propaganda has damned society. We have a generation who get their politics from bad TV & movies owned by news media companies that don't report the real news. The films put out by the so-called "Hollywood Left" have nothing to do with freedom, democratic choice, equality, multiculturalism or spiritual enlightenment. God forbid our art actually tell us to do more than consume and watch TV...
So I'm furious at how this recent shooting is being literally sold by the media as a bid for the same neoliberalism that hurt the Far Left. We are told to ignore weight of the reality of another deadly and violent outburst by a young citizen (always white, rightwing, male and white nationalist). The outburst of death, hate and evil is glossed over so we allign with news shows, argue on the same cattled social media sites and then vote for the same two deeply-connected and insidiously hypocritical parties of political careerists. Essentially the issue always turns to "how should the elite control the people better?" Maybe stop being the elite and share the wealth that we all have acquired in the name of duty & humanity.
I hate guns. I hate the gun-porn in movies. I hate gun-nuts in poor neighborhoods. And I most hate gun manufacturers and the NRA, two disgusting capitalist wings of the Aryan Brotherhood (since saying "white patriarchy" doesn't seem to annoy the right or mobilize the left). I'm all for taking money out of their hands to protect innocent people. Guns are a problem. I don't even think they should exist. But getting rid of the guns won't even phase the villains of society. These shootings are done by weakling soldiers in a bigger war. Their "alt-right" leaders are growing fascist regimes globally and have scary private power to prevent you from even becoming a threat. News propaganda, internet spying, brainwashing entertainment and bought and now CREATED politician puppets. The Republican party is run by scary thugs in secret societies who use business, religion and politics to poison the world and control its people to serve their pockets. And we have to stop relying on democrats, a party totally controlled by billionaire CIA agents from equally elitist, racist, sexist backgrounds. They work towards an almost identical end-goal: sitting on top of the pyramid while the world burns to ashes.
I accept that Trump is a foreign agent worse than Hitler ever was. He's not out to save white people. He's out to save wealthy libertine white dudes (as was Hitler, honestly). Hillary is a few shades less evil because liberals don't discriminate as they don't have the power to be discreet or have the popularity of white racism (anymore). Is he connected to the hacking? I dunno. It doesn't matter because he's done so many bad things and this avenue is not the best to catch him. What are some Russian hackers who are protected by Russia and probably KGB going to do? Trump's entire cabinet is full of slimy "soft criminals" and there have to be a zillion paper trails tying him to illegal action. The FBI & CIA seem determined to undermine him. Good. So maybe take focus off of Russia and look into Saudi Arabia, China, the Aryan Brotherhood, Fox News, even WWE. Every stinking enterprise that would give him a dollar and who he has repaid publicly. Its fucking madness that no news or public voices are following this REAL story. The population is lost in mindless, politically-stupid talks about Russia when we can't go to war with them. Cut off Putin's ties. Cut off Trump's allies.
And in the meantime, turn the page on liberalism. Black Panther is such a lame reflection of the last 8 years of propaganda. The concept of black capitalist nationalism is both absurd and toxic. It serves the neoliberal's side of the military-industrial complex's quest for capital and political power but not freedom and compensation for the working class. More Disney exploitation. The Marvel franchise has to DIE. Enough of these phony, braindead, overly emotional pleas for money to control our government. I mean, literally, Disney is one of the most dangerous and corrupt corporations in the world and have led the fight to cheat in business. They have helped elect every shitty president I've lived through with their conservative propaganda for children (and numerous child-brained adults). It seems particularly that rightwings and neoliberals just can't live without Disney, NFL, radio pop and all of the "American" institutions of excess and ignorance.
Where is the alternative? The independent voices? The Libertarian party in Europe was once a socialist federation that made the E.U. a luxury. But then they and American Libertarians turned to rightwing bullshit like sucking off corporations and selling out workers. They saw the injustice happening and decided to be on the greediest side of it. Because most Libertarians aren't Libertarian Socialist. They want the government to shrink so they can make as much money as possible. They believe capitalism is fair and will favor the workers. Has never happened. Americans live better than other nations just because we're on the winning side of capitalism. But we still trail capitalist AND socialist nations who aren't as rich. Why? Because money doesn't solve anything.
And money certainly doesn't make good movies. Its a resource. Thats all. Its a resource to get other resources, namely the commission of other people. The people are the real determiner of collective quality. Not selfish aims of the management or dumbass elitist egotism and bigoted self-interest. Its about the work. Doing good work for everyone and MAKING A LIVING doing it. Hollywood fat cats don't give much of a damn if the work is good. They ONLY care about their paychecks and residuals. Knobs.
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