Monday, May 21, 2018

So few films have any message besides propaganda to buy more and be sold by the status quo on government economics. Everything is a commercial for capitalism. Except socialist propaganda. But we don't need films that tell you they are propaganda. That would be more sincere and honest and wouldn't betray the expectations of the audience, but its only in true propaganda that you can free consumers from exploitation. The audience consuming the worst garbage must be told what they are consuming.

The system we pay into is a bloodthirsty, species-sacrificing, animal-slaughtering, child-raping, Devil-worshiping currency-holding game where you and millions like you start losing as soon as you're born. And your competition is born rich and powerful, already ahead of the game and soon plotting to cement rule over the collective body of our population. This is why any objectively good film must always be proletariat and not a work of self-serving Ego vanity that is anti-human or anti-group, prejudice or one-sided, censoring or censored.

This type of Pure Cinema is found on the fringes of what is accepted by corporatized business media. You must be extremely clever in climbing its own dangerous and destructive ranks of soul-crushing success or be as independent and obscure as possible to effect the most basic levels of the proletariat struggle. As influence spreads, you remain unknown to enemies and championed by the most legitimized revolutionaries of the struggle against tyranny.

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