We live in a world of conspiracies and conspiracy theories; a "post truth" world full of illusions. Our mass media entertainment has become what Baudrillard called simulacra: copies of copies of copies which have lost resemblance to their origin. The Real is now so divorced from truth and swamped in daily rumors and corporatized presentations of reality that we've collectively (and conveniently) forgotten the most prevalent, scary and corroborated theories of conspiracy to Man.
We are distracted by trivial political affiliations as to forget the real villains. Liberals blame greedy republican business men. Conservatives blame Satanic government monopolists. Neither come together to face either of these theoretical menaces or try to piece together a coherent shared idea of the mutual enemy. So before constructing a meta-narrative, lets look at the damning evidence. Films can be the most obvious mirror to our demons.
Before there was "populist paranoia" about secret society agendas, there were historical documents in cinema of our nightmare horrors.
Study the work of Orson Welles, Jess Franco, Stanley Kubrick, D.W. Griffith, David Lynch, Zack Snyder, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen and many more to find these portrayals of Masonic and Anti-Masonic propagandas. And how many of our narratives are true and how many are false? Is it a perfect balance or a terrible imbalance or an inspiring and beautiful surplus of justice and global victory? The last millennium and centuries were a long-fought battle against fascism, slavery, abuse, pedophilia, rape, evil, crime and moral savagery. Its defined us to this point and created mental illness and spiritual starvation.
Freemasons, Illuminists, Satanists, Deists, Romans, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists and a billion other ideologists have expounded their views to create a diverse and chaotic disorder that must find its new order not in forced mastery but a natural discovery of its evolution. What is our future? We all choose. No group of "elite" should decide for us. Democratic socialism with no national, ethnic, social or even political biases should silence the individual voice.
What we see happening in this so-called postmodern "New World Order" so far is a corporatist dogfight for media control and social engineering. We are brainwashed, not talked to. There is no discourse when our banks run our lives. They make money on our money and even more on our poverty. There's too much money for any of it to have value anymore. And its tainted with the sins of so many capitalist exploitations of business. There is no free market because free markets don't work in systems with geographic inequality. This creates the problem of colonial attempts of "Enlightenment". We end up with Manifest Destiny religious communes run by warlords who rape the planet and its people. This is McDemocracy.
Now we need a world that actually works; Not as Disneyland but as a secure and honest voice of objective reason for subjective voices. We can't silence naysayers and dreamers for pushing the status quo. Nor can we war with suppressed and oppressed voices. We need structure for a post-Structuralist world that is wounded but unable to spiritually lick its social wounds. But we must protect the socially weak from spiritual predators. The world is full of metaphysical vampires who don't need physical strength. They feast on the fear and insecurity of the strong. The illuminated thinkers serve independently as superheroes who don't need a thanks but should receive deserved and earned penance in some way. Not money or extra freedoms. The will should not be allowed to rule in anarchy. We need laws, check and balances.
This should be the mission of all men, women and children without any sanction or guidance from any "ascended" order but by mandatory membership in a society. Society comes before class, race, government system, economics or what have you. And no mind lays claim over it for any reason. Not IQ, social status, bloodline, privilege or secret weapon. The rich are not allowed to have more value than the poor. The state is not allowed to have more power than the world government. The psychopaths and actors can't get away with fooling and victimizing the innocent and meek. Justice must be served. And Karma does not decide who wins and loses. It takes the shared wisdom, the altar of knowledge to find any semblance of what is true. And that starts with having every voice be heard and every case be measured fairly. The court of morality exists outside of Masonic parliament and Builderberg meetings or choreographed press.
What is the aim of filmmaking? What is its philosophical tenants? What function does it serve beyond crass enjoyment of spiritualist materialism? Filmmaking tells us who we are at any given moment. Cinema is a pinpoint of nature's physics and stitch in the time stream. We've soared high and fallen low before, all of us. Now to fly again.
The true artists are the independent artists. The best directors are the ones who don't slave or master their craft. They simply coexist peacefully. How? By dramatizing conflict as The Big Other. This can become real world mass hystics and delusional matrixes if we don't ground it in fiction. Small opinions based in big facts, (rather than huge opinions over mass-produced facsimiles called "facts"). Knowledge must be reevaluated like the sciences, laws and metrics within it. As our minds grow, so will our shared perception. For all and not just for some. Everyone is an equal participant and producer of positive abundance. There will always be negativity created by man and by nature and by the cosmos itself, but thats not a deterrent against life. Its what composes the passionate defense of living. This is man's eternal destiny. And whether we come from a God, communicate with a God, dream a God or convene as a God (or many Gods), we are all still free to live so long as we protect the lives of everyone else by not impinging or impending on rights. We all have basic human rights that can't be removed. This is the way not of one nation but of the galactic whole.
We must celebrate our universe by exploring, understanding and respecting it by not filling it with too much trash. What do I mean? The surplus of carbon emissions from industry, toxic pollution, farming deregulations and anything making our ozone hard to breathe. How to fight it? Producing good vibrations. Its as simple as that. Be loved. Be honest. Be inspiring. Be real. Be in the know. Be in the Now. Be You. Be a work of Art.
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