Thursday, March 30, 2017

Reboots, FUCK OFF!

So the American live-action Ghost in the Shell is out and I bet its a decent enough way to spend 2 hours. CGI, a cute lead actress and lots of stylized action. YAY! But its still a waste of time and money for you the viewer because there's an amazing anime out there that isn't hard to find that is even more dazzling BECAUSE ITS ANIMATED and JAPANESE. You can make a lot of films better by remaking them, but any film that gets remade because its popular is LIKELY to be impossible to top. Something is successful because of its high quality or originality. So a reboot or sequel is usually counter-intuitive even if its a nice cheap buck for studio producers.

If Hollywood had the time, energy and expertise to make a great cyberpunk movie starring Scarlett Johannson, they would've made an original movie with its own character and mythology based on our culture. But instead they relied on a formula, polished off an old tried and true script and threw effects at the screen. Get my point? If these people and their ideas were any good they wouldn't be doing remakes.

My rage comes from the overwhelming praise coming from internet commenters PRAISING THE DAY'S WORTH OF REVIEWS PRAISING GHOST IN THE SHELL. Collectivists make up their hive mind based on Rotten Tomatoes scores. They don't even read the reviews. They just see a lot of other strangers liked it, so it must be good even though they don't know anything about the taste of these strangers! "Well, they're movie critics so they must have good taste". Good critics don't like everything so they don't have cushy studio-backed jobs online. There are a lot of critics who are better than most filmmakers but it doesn't take anything to be an internet critic. All it takes is a website and traffic. So you can't trust that they know anything unless you read them. And most RT reviews are horribly written. Let me end this rant. Don't trust critics, trust yourself.

"Well, you haven't seen it, so why are you hating, CRITIC?" I trust my own experience to not see it. I already admitted that its probably a fair watch. I'm reacting to the pathetic positive buzz surrounding a movie that has only been seen by an audience of mostly film-illiterate morons. I think Hollywood sets up this system. Fans march to theaters after this trumped up, studio-created fan hype has set in and then it doesn't matter if most of the audience hates it because RT says its "Fresh!" and that has replaced any true word of mouth, watercooler chatter or posterity that existed before the internet. We live in an age where the creators get to write the fan response and the masses are purposely drowned out by the converted cult of Hollywood loyalists. Corporations never had this type of control before. And that means studios and producers had to actually create a good product. The movie opened in limited areas and played for a year, so you needed that fucking thing to be a rewatchable, obsessable, entertaining piece of art just to make a profit if it expensive. Only the expolitation filmmakers profitted from bad movies with good trailers because the movies were dirt cheap. 2017: the big studio pictures are exploitative and the small features are struggling to sell passionate filmmaking.

What the hell happened that made the business swallow u the art of moviemaking????

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